The Infernal Devices Series Reading Time: How Long Will It Take?

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Introduction to The Infernal Devices Series

Introduction to The Infernal Devices Series The Infernal Devices series is a popular trilogy written by Cassandra Clare. Set in the same universe as the Shadowhunter Chronicles, this series serves as a prequel to the widely acclaimed Mortal Instruments series.

Overview of the Trilogy

The Infernal Devices trilogy consists of three books: "Clockwork Angel," "Clockwork Prince," and "Clockwork Princess." These books follow the adventures of Tessa Gray, a young girl with a mysterious power, as she navigates the dangerous world of Shadowhunters, demons, and warlocks in Victorian London.

Significance in the Shadowhunter Chronicles

While the Mortal Instruments series introduced readers to the modern-day Shadowhunter world, The Infernal Devices provides a rich backstory and historical context. It delves into the origins of key characters and events that shape the future of the Shadowhunter universe. Understanding The Infernal Devices is crucial for fans who want a comprehensive understanding of the Shadowhunter Chronicles.

Understanding Reading Time

Before diving into The Infernal Devices series, it's helpful to understand how reading time is calculated and what factors can influence it.

Factors That Influence Reading Speed

Several factors can affect how quickly you read a book. These include your reading proficiency, familiarity with the subject matter, and the complexity of the text. Additionally, distractions, such as noise or interruptions, can impact reading speed.

Average Reading Speeds Explained

On average, an adult reader can read around 200 to 300 words per minute (wpm). However, reading speed can vary significantly depending on the individual and the material being read. Some people may read faster, while others may read slower. It's important to keep in mind that reading speed is not a measure of comprehension or enjoyment, but rather a gauge of how quickly one can process written information.

The Infernal Devices Series at a Glance

To estimate how long it will take to read each book in The Infernal Devices series, let's take a closer look at each installment.

Book 1: Clockwork Angel

Clockwork Angel introduces readers to Tessa Gray, who is thrust into the world of Shadowhunters after her arrival in London. This book sets the stage for the series and establishes the main characters, conflicts, and mysteries.

Book 2: Clockwork Prince

In Clockwork Prince, Tessa finds herself torn between two potential love interests while the threat of a powerful enemy looms over the Shadowhunter world. This installment delves deeper into the relationships and secrets that drive the narrative.

Book 3: Clockwork Princess

Clockwork Princess is the final book in the trilogy, where all the threads of the story come together. Tessa's fate, the resolution of conflicts, and the ultimate destiny of the characters are revealed in this thrilling conclusion.

Calculating Your Reading Time for The Infernal Devices

To estimate how long it will take you to read The Infernal Devices series, follow this step-by-step guide:

Step-by-Step Guide to Estimating Reading Time

  1. Determine your average reading speed in words per minute (wpm).
  2. Calculate the total word count of each book in the series.
  3. Divide the word count by your reading speed to get an estimate of the reading time for each book.
  4. Add up the reading times for all three books to get the total reading time for the entire series.

Tools and Apps to Track Reading Time

Several tools and apps are available to help you track your reading time. Goodreads, for example, allows you to set reading goals and track your progress. Other apps, such as Reading Time Tracker and Bookly, provide features specifically designed to measure reading time.

Average Reading Time for Each Book in The Infernal Devices Series

Average Reading Time for Each Book in The Infernal Devices Series To give you an idea of the average reading time for each book in The Infernal Devices series, here are some estimates:

Clockwork Angel: Average Reading Time

Clockwork Angel has an average word count of approximately 120,000 words. Based on an average reading speed of 250 wpm, it would take around 8 hours to read this book.

Clockwork Prince: Average Reading Time

Clockwork Prince has an average word count of approximately 130,000 words. Using the same average reading speed of 250 wpm, it would take around 8.6 hours to read this book.

Clockwork Princess: Average Reading Time

Clockwork Princess has an average word count of approximately 140,000 words. With an average reading speed of 250 wpm, it would take around 9.3 hours to read this book.

Tips to Improve Your Reading Time

Tips to Improve Your Reading Time If you're looking to read The Infernal Devices series more efficiently, here are some tips to help you improve your reading time:

Skimming Techniques

Skimming involves quickly scanning the text to get a general understanding of the content. This technique can be useful for sections that are less crucial to the plot or for reviewing previously read material.

Speed Reading Apps and Courses

Consider using speed reading apps or enrolling in speed reading courses to enhance your reading speed and comprehension. These resources often provide exercises and techniques to help you read faster while maintaining comprehension.

Creating a Reading Schedule

Setting aside dedicated reading time each day can help you establish a reading routine and make progress through the series. By consistently allocating time for reading, you can build momentum and complete the books more efficiently.

Conclusion: Embarking on Your Infernal Devices Journey

Conclusion: Embarking on Your Infernal Devices Journey Embarking on The Infernal Devices series is an exciting adventure that will transport you to a captivating world of Shadowhunters, romance, and mystery.

Final Thoughts on the Reading Experience

As you read through the trilogy, you'll witness the growth of the characters, unravel the secrets of the Shadowhunter world, and experience a range of emotions. The Infernal Devices offers a unique blend of action, romance, and intricate storytelling that will keep you engaged from beginning to end.

Encouragement to Start the Series

If you haven't started The Infernal Devices series yet, don't hesitate to dive in. Whether you're a fan of the Shadowhunter Chronicles or new to Cassandra Clare's work, this trilogy promises an unforgettable reading experience that will leave you eagerly anticipating the next chapter in the Shadowhunter universe.

Additional Resources

For further reading on The Infernal Devices series and the Shadowhunter Chronicles, consider exploring the following resources:

Further Reading on The Infernal Devices

  • "The Infernal Devices Companion" by Cassandra Clare and Sarah Rees Brennan
  • "The Infernal Devices: Manga Series" by Cassandra Clare and HyeKyung Baek

Online Communities and Discussion Forums

Engaging with online communities and discussion forums can enhance your reading experience by allowing you to connect with fellow fans and share insights. Some popular platforms include:

  • r/shadowhunters (Reddit)
  • The Shadowhunters' Wiki (
  • The Cassandra Clare Fan Club (