The Expanse Series Reading Time: How Long to Journey Through the Stars?

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The Expanse Series is a popular science fiction series written by James S.A. Corey. It has gained a massive following and has been adapted into a successful television series. If you're a fan of the series or planning to dive into this epic space opera, you might be wondering how long it will take to journey through the stars with these books. In this article, we will explore the reading time for each book in The Expanse Series and provide some tips for efficient reading.

Understanding Reading Speed

Before we dive into the reading time for The Expanse Series, it's important to understand reading speed. Reading speed varies from person to person and can be influenced by several factors. On average, an adult reads around 200 to 300 words per minute. However, factors such as reading comprehension, familiarity with the subject matter, and distractions can affect reading speed.

The Expanse Series Overview

The Expanse Series is set in a future where humanity has colonized the solar system. It explores the political and social conflicts that arise between Earth, Mars, and the Belt, a group of colonies in the asteroid belt and outer planets. The series combines elements of science fiction, mystery, and political intrigue to create a captivating narrative.

The series consists of nine main books, starting with "Leviathan Wakes" and concluding with "Leviathan Falls." Each book builds upon the previous one, creating a rich and interconnected story. In addition to the main books, there are also several short stories and novellas that expand upon the universe of The Expanse.

Calculating The Expanse Series Reading Time

Calculating The Expanse Series Reading Time To calculate the reading time for The Expanse Series, we will provide a book-by-book breakdown. Please note that these calculations are based on the average reading speed of 200 to 300 words per minute.

Book-by-Book Breakdown

  • Leviathan Wakes: With approximately 561 pages, it would take an average reader around 9 to 14 hours to read.
  • Caliban's War: This book spans around 595 pages and would take around 10 to 15 hours to read.
  • Abaddon's Gate: With approximately 539 pages, it would take an average reader around 9 to 13 hours to read.
  • Cibola Burn: This book spans around 581 pages and would take around 10 to 14 hours to read.
  • Nemesis Games: With approximately 544 pages, it would take an average reader around 9 to 13 hours to read.
  • Babylon's Ashes: This book spans around 608 pages and would take around 10 to 15 hours to read.
  • Persepolis Rising: With approximately 560 pages, it would take an average reader around 9 to 14 hours to read.
  • Tiamat's Wrath: This book spans around 544 pages and would take around 9 to 13 hours to read.
  • Leviathan Falls: With approximately 560 pages, it would take an average reader around 9 to 14 hours to read.

Additional Content

In addition to the main books, The Expanse Series also includes several short stories and novellas. These provide additional context and expand upon the universe of The Expanse. The reading time for each of these varies, but on average, a short story or novella can be read in around 1 to 2 hours.

Tips for Efficient Reading

Tips for Efficient Reading To make your journey through The Expanse Series more efficient, here are some tips:

Setting a Reading Schedule

Setting aside dedicated time for reading can help you stay on track and make progress through the series. Whether it's a specific time each day or a few hours on the weekend, having a schedule can ensure you make consistent progress.

Speed Reading Techniques

If you want to increase your reading speed, there are several speed reading techniques you can try. These include techniques like skimming, scanning, and using a pacer (such as your finger or a pen) to guide your eyes along the text. However, it's important to balance speed with comprehension to fully enjoy the story.

Balancing Reading with Comprehension

While it's tempting to rush through the books to reach the end, it's important to find a balance between reading speed and comprehension. Take the time to fully immerse yourself in the story and understand the intricacies of the characters and plot. This will enhance your reading experience and make the journey through The Expanse Series more enjoyable.

Tools to Track Your Reading Time

If you want to track your reading time and progress, there are several apps and websites available. These tools allow you to set reading goals, track your reading speed, and even join reading communities to discuss your favorite books.

Alternatively, you can use analog methods such as a stopwatch or a simple timer to track your reading time. This can be especially useful if you prefer a more hands-on approach or want to disconnect from digital distractions.


Embarking on a journey through The Expanse Series is an exciting adventure for science fiction fans. By calculating the reading time for each book and following some tips for efficient reading, you can make the most of your reading experience. Remember to set a reading schedule, consider speed reading techniques, and balance speed with comprehension. Enjoy your journey through the stars with The Expanse Series!

Frequently Asked Questions

How Long Does It Take to Read Each Book in The Expanse Series?

The reading time for each book in The Expanse Series varies depending on factors such as reading speed and comprehension. On average, it would take an average reader around 9 to 15 hours to read each book.

Can I Skip the Novellas and Still Understand the Main Series?

While the novellas provide additional context and expand upon the universe of The Expanse, they are not essential to understanding the main series. You can still enjoy and understand the main series without reading the novellas.

Are There Audiobooks Available for The Expanse Series?

Yes, audiobooks are available for The Expanse Series. They are a great option for those who prefer listening to books or want to enjoy the series while on the go.